Tuesday, November 15, 2005

At least he didn't CUP!

Life at the hospital has been busy. Flu season is starting and so is Auburn's interest in me. This, is the name I have given tall hottie. Huge fan, need I say more?! He HAS to see me everyday, or he will seek me out. Today, he came down to the ICU and found me. Didn't stay away for long and even put his hands on my shoulders and rubbed as he was talking to one of my friends. The words coming out of his mouth sounded like the teachers on the Peanuts (i.e. I have no fucking clue what he said). I just kept thinking, wow didn't even have to look up at him and I'm getting all this attention! I had seen him upstairs BRIEFLY. It was not my intention to see him as I did not have time at the moment. I had a mission which was to get my ass back down to ICU and work. Got side tracked by two other admirers. One of whom is moving out of state next week. He told me I needed to get all my hugs in now. Then this other guy comes in the office to hug me and actually touches my ass.....!

Me: "That was my rear-end!"

Him: "It was? Are you sure?!"

I show him where he rubbed and say, "At least you didn't cup!!" This dude would do me in a NY minute and if I was remotely interested in bushy eyebrows, it might happen. I also know that he is sort of used. Had a fling with one of my friends (she said he was awesome in bed...) when his wife was pregnant.....I always think...Ooohh, gross. But then have to remember that CDD's wife is pregnant. My conscience gives me a split personality, I swear.
So, anyway...Back to my story...When I'm having a discussion about where bushy brows put his hands, Auburn comes out of nowhere and pushes me full body into the wall (damn too bad there were people around...there is even a bed in this office for surgeons to sleep on ...) and seconds later, I get paged and gotta go. At least I know I'm making headway. One of these days, I'm gonna blow his mind and say, I just want to kiss you full on the mouth and press my body against yours. (Likely, he has not experienced this type of behavior....) His kind of flirting is what I experienced in the 5th grade. Things have gotta change!

Things with CDD are DEFINATELY on the backburner. He was supposed to be in town this past weekend. Have a guy bonding weekend or something. Apparantly he and his buddy come up every year and go to this place called Wild Bill's. It is a dance club/bar. Sometimes they have bands. .38 Special played there in May. Anyway, he said he would call with the details last Tuesday. Never heard a peep. He's afraid that he'll fall for me....at least that is what he says. I don't care b/c I always think of his preggo wife and I am otherwise occupied.

Things with hubby are awesome as always. Too bad I need all this damn attention........

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