Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Read the fine print on that. Yeah, it says:

Mythic Creatures
Dragons, Unicorns, Mermaids

This was above us on the A train when we first arrived in NYC, right after we dropped our bags off at The Hudson. Fun Girl looked at me and said:

If that isn't a sign from the universe of things to come, I don't know what is.

Indeed. There are 5 million stories in the big city, and I have about 20 of them from this past weekend. It was great. Fabulous. Not in that, things are bigger than life when you return home sort of way. In that, wow, I really needed to get out town, hang out with old friends and new in a new setting, and get a little drunk sort of way. In that change your world view, if only a bit sort of way. So I did that. I relaxed, I went with the flow. We went without agenda or plan, just with a list of potential addresses we might want to visit should we find ourselves nearby. This, I have now found, is key to having a good time.

That and not traveling with an asshole. That helps immensely as well.
(Side note. There is nothing wrong with my trip planning. I have two if not three people who would vouch that I plan a mean NYC two day trip. Rave reviews I got. We took in a ton of the city, went to great, non-touristy bars. Like I said, leaving the asshole behind when you travel must be key.)

But I digress.
So I did two days in the big city. Nope, I don't want to move there. Not unless I score really, really really fucking big on the lottery. And even then, it would be iffy. But more travel there, that is definitely in order.

Items in no particular order that made the weekend good and fun and crazy are listed below. And be aware, some of these are just previews to longer, funnier stories I'll get to this week.

Fun Girl and her brother together are a show. And when they drink and are happy, they are a really funny show. MoMA comps courtesy of my company. I got laid. Bourbon tastes good, especially when drank on a rooftop on Fifth Ave. Old friends from Raleigh have not changed, and they have not gotten less funny. Being with a man who thinks you are hot and smart and is not at all bothered but rather is actually gracious about the attention you get is so fucking refreshing it makes my head spin. The Upper East and West side are indeed worth it - believe the hype. And nothing tastes as good as corned beef and a vanilla egg cream at Katz's.

Club bathrooms with vomit could not dampen the fun we had. Overpriced drinks did not dampen the fun we had. An attack of angry ass did not dampen my fun. Walking blocks and blocks in super high heels did not dampen my fun. Having to sleep 3 of us to a bed did not dampen the fun.
There was just too much goodness around in the air for any of that to break through. All those things did was give us more to laugh about.

Weltanschauung indeed. I came back refreshed in a very good, very healthy way. Here's to moving on with my life.

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