Saturday, November 17, 2007

Pre Holiday Blues

I don't know why this week has been so hard on me...

I think its three things:

  1. My impending birthday (inherently depressing, and last year was the beginning of getting back together with the lame ass ex...I could have done without the last year)

  2. More research into my hearing loss (re-visiting my very limited options and getting devastated over this all over again)

  3. Visiting my family in Philly next week (my mother hates when I am single and actually liked my ex; I don't have the heart to tell her the things that everybody else knows about father knows little of the details about him but doesn't like him at all)

So I haven't been writing. Anything. I've done more research for my book (re watching The War, spending way too much time on the Military Channel) but haven't written any more chapters or outlines. I have been working. And smoking. And coaching gymnastics. I didn't even go out last weekend. At all.

But I digress. The real reason the three to four of you out there that read this is for the updates.

Last Thursday night I went out and Pirate Boy/Prison Break came with us. Fun. Hibernian. Red Room. Amra. Weirdo old guys hitting on me and my friend J and Prison Break was busy fending them off. He seemed to like it. We got dropped off at our cars and I tried to beg off kissing him (as I had a cold and told him so) and he insisted on kissing me. It was good. Really nice.

I promptly got very sick the next morning when my cold took a turn towards sinus infection.

Perhaps the same thing happened to him, or he got cold feet b/c his divorce isn't final, or he doesn't like me. Regardless, its been cricket city from him. For a whole week. No texting. No MySpacing. No email. Nada.

So Friday. Went to the Dr. Did not go out. Thought I would rest up for my date on Sat. with Concert Boy for the UNC/NCSU game. Told him Friday night, yeah, I'm getting better. Tomorrow will be fine.

Oh no. Tomorrow was not fine. I woke up Saturday morning with a pounding headache, a crusty nose, a rattling chest, and my sinuses were so infected that my teeth hurt. Had to call and cancel. I sounded like Bea Arthur/Brenda Vaccaro calling him, and he was gracious about it. He checked in with me several times, through calls and texts. Attentive. I liked it.

Saturday night. Feeling better. Out to dinner with my friend J and her daughter. Text from Mr. MLB.

"Whatcha up to tonite..."

Now, I'm not gonna tell him that I'll most likely curl up with Hitchens and read all night. No. Gonna make him think I am the busy girl that I usually am.

"Going downtown with friends"

And his response:

"When you gonna come pick me up?"

And I said:

"Already downtown. You gotta give me some warning..."

And he said, "Tell your boyfriend I'm coming to hang out tonite..."

So my response was, truthfully:

"No boyfriend here. No worries on that one..."

And he said:

"Well I guess I'm just gonna have to say you have fun tonite since you are already out...ttyl"

And that was it. For Saturday.

Sunday, the text started again. He wanted advice on what car to buy for himself that week. The choices he gave me (as he said he wanted a "lady's opinion") were:



Range Rover

So, of course, I was honest but trying to be funny.

"Escalade rides nice but is so played out. Hummer's seem like they are driven by dorky corporate white guys with something to prove. Range rover just says, I have 4wd and the Queen owns one as well..."

He says he's going with Range Rover.

The day goes by, and I get a Facebook invite from him. I had just joined Facebook last week, so I thought that was funny. He created his profile that day, and it actually had his real occupation on it. So, with that, he was telling me: Lady! I play pro ball here. Look at me!

We email a few times that night. Overall, a lot of activity. He asked me to get some thing to eat that night, but I was busy and told him so.

He asked me that same question on Wednesday and Thursday nights. Both nights I was like no, can't (Wed I had a business dinner at the Umstead and Thursday I was just tired) because it was too last minute. He's in Houston this weekend, and before he left, told me he wishes I was coming with him. All I said to that was, yeah, we'd tear up that town. Maybe next time.

I am actually going to have to go out with him soon, last minute ask or not. I've never dated a pro athelete, and never had me some FLAY VAH either. I'd like to cross both those off the list.

So Concert Boy sends me pics from the game. The story with him is he gave his reg tickets to his friends, and bought special, 47 yard line, 4 rows up from the Carolina Bench (and he a wolfpacker, no less) for me and him. Ugh. Special seats for me. Very nice. He was gracious about it.

I still think, however, that we are each other's backburner person. He's at a wedding this weekend. No one goes to weddings alone.

That's all I got, but I'm going out tomorrow night. More stories to come.

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