Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Hello San Diego, this is Veronica Corningstone, reporting on the after-effects of Dramarama week.

We've had a fun filled birthday night with me chasing down HmcH and ultimately, not finding him as he slept elsewhere.

Along for the ride were Hotness and her BF, who were supposed to be "off" but were actually "on".

Rock Star elected not to attend the party, releasing a statement through her publicist that she had grocery shopping to do. Sources close to her cite the actual reason had to do with JG showing up in town unexpectedly after months of silence. Had RS attended, she would have had the comfort of seeing Hotness confront him after 3 glasses of wine, and then subsequently blow him off for the rest of the night.

And if that wasn't enough folks, we had Homey fly in for the extended weekend that night. And she spent the whole next day pissing razor blades. This did not stop her from being at her best on Saturday.

Which brings me to our lead story.

Hourglass Court was the site of a blow out party Saturday night. Walking the red carpet were the usual A list stars: Hotness, RSS, RS and Homey. Appearances put in by Vegas, the BF, the husband, and K. The night began with a classy cocktail party, all the stars were dressed to the nines. The party was quickly invaded by some bizarre NorthFace tribe...all LL Bean and corporate logo'ed out. Smelling of chimea smoke and NC BBQ, they looked and smelled a bit underdressed. But boy did they provide some entertainment. What an amazing group of people. RS CAN throw a PARTAY!

Looking Glass knew what they were doing when they wrote that song. I don't think she was walking around with a necklace of the finest silver from the north of spain, nor am I convinced what a good wife she would be, but damn she IS a Fine Girl.

My report continues after these messages...Tits McGee signing off for now.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

He puts the cheval in chevalier

Packed weekend.

RS I loved the post. Loved the story about the party. Gotta know who xxx is.

Friday, dinner at Jibarra. Time at the Rockford with N and his friends (also friends of mine.) Late night at the Dirty. People watching. People watching me. Too fun. Big mouthed troll was no where to be seen.

Saturday - therapy and the NC State Fair. Cows, rides, people who ride the short bus, gross fattening food but fun.

Sunday - the wedding of M from work. As good a time as I could have 1> without a date and 2> at that particular wedding. I have to say I found it particularly hard to sit through the ceremony. Hard not to think about him. Hard not to miss him.

Here's my tally for man activity:

  • Three emails on late Friday from the 29 year old from Manhattan (who I met at Disney)
  • Two phone calls from the drummer in LA.
  • Dinner and one long good night kiss from N. the ex
  • 7 texts from N. the ex
  • 1 phone call from N tonite
  • 1 long phone message and 1 MySpace message from the Virginia Lawyer ex.
  • 1 promise of a date sometime in the next few weeks (when I am not booked) from a certain eye surgeon who saw my picture on Friday. I am now ready for this date.
  • 1 flirtatious cigarette smoking session with M's 75 year old Uncle at the wedding today
  • 1 caterwaul at me and a "hey cutie" from several male NC state students leaving Carter Finley after the Sat. game (while I was driving to park at the fair). Obviously they had no clue how old, wrinkly, and generally insecure I am
  • 1 scathing reply from me to the 51 year old stalker on MySpace: I said: "You are too old. I don't get involved with men who are closer in age to my father than to me. "

Still have not returned the last two phone calls from HmcH. Every day gets easier. Please keep me busy girls. Even talking to you guys helps me through this.

My therapist says the silence from me is the right thing to do. She had a lot to say this weekend. First, she was proud of my progress. Second, she did say that his poo-pooing of any therapists who are not PhDs was a classic example of his need for "power." She said the fact that not only new men but men from my past who know me well and that are still intersted in me was testament to me being "okay" "fun" "secure" "attractive" "confident" and basically the opposite of all the ways that HmcH was putting me down. She said the smoking comment was quite ridiculous, and un-needed. Just a way for him to put me down and try and create yet another insecurity where there previous wasn't one. Even if he thought it, he shouldn't have said it. We had a good session, and she says she sees me turning the corner even though its going to hurt for a long time.

One bit of bad news. The babysitter cancelled for Sat. Am on the hunt for another...keep your fingers crossed.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Very busy. Sneaking a quick moment thanks to the wireless here on the show floor to update. Some observations:

  • The conference is very IT. By that I mean it is full of geeky men, overweight men, men who are engineers, lots of male dorkiness. I got asked outright 5 times yesterday if I was a booth babe. While flattered initially, as most of the booth babes are early 20's, it did not go over well as the night wore on. And does that line work? I mean, really, does this help them build rapport with women. Gotta love the IT industry.
  • The resort is growing on me. Seems to be full of lizards. I run every morning and I've seen like 30.
  • Florida is teeming with white trash. But the weather is astoundingly good. Life has tradeoffs.
  • Disney really is the land of the too well fed, and the resort is doing nothing to help this. (The plethora of desserts at the little store near my room is frightening. There are these chocolate cupcakes with frosting 3 inches thick.) Some of these people, many of these people need to just stop eating. For months. For many months. And walk faster than 2 miles an hour. And cover up - geez louise I don't want to see one more 160 pound woman all jiggly and cottage cheezy in a string bikini. And you european men, while you may be slimmer, you have no business wearing speedos. Nobody wants to see your junk all hangin about. (I think there may be some truth to that "euro guys are smaller" rumour I've caught wind of several times in the past few years. They might have nice accents but they are often lacking down there.)

Gotta run. Miss you guys. Would be more fun if you were here. MNF at the ESPN bar was a good time last night! ; )

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Ha Ha Ha Bless Your Soul...

You really think you're in control.

First let me say that I don't think the horoscope was right about meeting someone on or around Oct. 7.

Otherwise, a very good weekend. The Lake was awesome. Got to reconnect with an old, old friend. Great wine (amazing Pinots from Oregon) , catching up.

Last night - the babysitter was a hit! Finally found somebody who I think will work out great. And I found a lawn guy too. Things are looking good. My bank account will suffer but I'll have more free time.

So RS you missed a night on the town. I hope you and Agador Spartacus are actually spending some time OUTSIDE of the Four Seasons. Toronto is incredible.

I'll summarize what you missed:

  • Girls part of the evening at Red Room - four of us, tapas, red bull and vodka
  • Hotness' bf joined us out to barhop at some point later
  • Spent some time at the Dirty and, coincidentally, saw the Big-mouthed Troll, out with a posse of one thick girl and one dorky guy. Worried that HMcH would actually walk in to join them, but this did not happen. The Troll was wearing a leather coat(WW II bomber style...shit, remember those? It was so unattractively retro I had to look twice) and jeans and some shirt from the Gap...she dressed very 1987-1988, a la that style of girls not looking like girls and everything was bigger/bulkier. We all felt bad for her for about 3 seconds for her fashion lapse in judgment (a lot of skin showing last night at every bar, in spite of the weather) til we remembered what a pain in the ass she is and we got back to actually watching hot people.

Side note. The Big Mouthed Troll could really use Garanimals for Adults - otherwise known as Banana Republic. They should come up with tags that correspond to different clothing scenarios for the fashion impaired (who all seem to work at our company): Match the Zebra tags for outfits to wear when going to a dance club. Lion is for weddings and church. Cheetah is everyday corporate. Black panther tags for ad agency. Capybara gets you set for Saturday football game, Friday night hockey game, brewpub or Sunday brunch. All their overpriced belts and accessories could be tagged as well. I swear this would help America look better overall. This and if most people stopped eating for several months. But I digress...

  • Got to send a very cute, tall 28-year old Air Force pilot (C-17s, the big planes) with a nice ass packing just because I could...and that was after I told him I spend my spare time as a porn star. I had fun with this! I do have to give him kudos for the joke about the solo mile high club...but he's 28. Ugh. A minefield of issues just with his age alone. Plus, as I watched and listened to him, I just wasn't into it. I should have been. He had it all going on -wit, confidence, intelligence, well-traveled, nice face -there was no excuse I could make about him. But, again, I wasn't into it at all just because he wasn't somebody else. 'Nuff said. His opening line when he came up to me? "Nice Boots." What did I hear, as we all know I am as deaf as an Aerosmith roadie? Yeah...think about that for a sec. I had to ask him to repeat that three times to make sure that was indeed a 't' he was enunciating.

Oh, and I like leaving a bar together with G and Hotness and hearing people say as you walk by please DON'T go.

We have next weekend to revisit anything we did last night, should you and Agador want to venture beyond the bedroom. I know its tough. I remember those days. I could have stayed in bed for months (should have - wish I had done more of that than I did) so enjoy this time!

And we are game on for your party - the babysitter is booked.

Off to sunny Flaaaahhhhrida.

Friday, October 06, 2006

RS, your dog...

farts in bed!

I thought you'd get it good laugh over that today, up there in the great white north, no doubt bedding to your heart's delight. I think she misses you but C seems to be an excellent substitute.

Ohhhh Canada...?

Thursday, October 05, 2006

What to do, what to do

Two months to go til our birthday (mine and RS) and we're racking our brains about what to do. We've discussed renting an art gallery for a party, renting a local indie/artsy theatre for a party, or throwing another shinding at mi casa that will be a combination b-day/holiday party.

I think we're leaning towards the house, as we can take money we would have paid to those venues and pour it into buying liquor for our friends and better food. 8 weeks to get his done...I suppose we'll make the decision in the next week or so.

We know we definitely DO NOT want to repeat the shenanigans from last year at PG.

I've kept busy this week, and am doing so much better! Went to a cocktail party (mid-week!) last night at a friend of a friends house for a couple of hours. It was a nice diversion on a Wednesday but I have no stories from it. The best thing about it was that it happened, and I had somewhere to be for a few hours. Amazing how just simply being invited to things and being busy can cure the blues.

I have something to do every day this week except for tonite. Tonite I will catch up on Netflix (I have had one particular movie for over a month now. Someone, somewhere is desperately waiting for "Born in Brothels" whilst it sits on my counter...)

I leave for FLA on Sunday, which is my next adventure to look forward to. Granted, it is work and a huge conference/event I have to work, but I have never NOT had fun at Disney World. Hoping there will be some fun stories there.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I got no big ideas today, so I'll number the small ones

First - shout out to RS's friend Homey. Thanks for asking about me - looking forward to meeting you at the party in a couple of weeks - and things will get better!

Second - work seems strangely better, if only because I am so busy. This is really good.

Third - Hottie stopped by ever so briefly yesterday in the office and looked ever sooooo good. Very difficult for me to see him, but glad he came by nonetheless. We had a bit of closure via email.

Fourth - This should give you a good laugh. Creepy, dorky, fiasco-from-Saturday Keith Richards turned Waldo guitar player found me via phone DESPITE me giving him that BOGUS number. I did not answer nor am I calling back. UGH!! Yeah unlisted phone numbers are looking good right now. He even said on the message, "I think you gave me the wrong number..." but yet, he called anyway and left a message? Who does that?

Fifth - My daughter has discovered football. Either there is a boy at school who is talking about it and one team in particular, or she's overheard too many conversations from me and/or actually starting paying attention to Sportscenter when its on. Last night went like this:

We're eating dinner. She says, "Can I use your computer? I need to google something."

So I'm like, "Homework?" And she says, "Nah the score of the eagles game last night."

What???! WTF?!

So I ask, "Monday Night Football?"

And she says, "Yeah. I want to make sure the eagles won."


She checks it, tells me the score, and says, "I'm going to check on McNabb."

What??!!! I have never talked to her directly about McNabb. She must have overheard me. Or, she's got a friend into McNabb. I didn't know she knew his name! Sure enough, when I look at the screen, she's on his stats page.

I still don't know what's behind it. But I do know that I then showed her NFL.com and she proceeded, with delight, to play some game on the Eagle's page that had to do with an Eagles Cheerleader...whatever. I'm totally confused. I don't get it. But it's really funny.

I realize, with some finality, that my daughter lives in a world that I'll now only get sneak peaks into or worse yet, I have to start guessing at what's going on.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Walk over that bridge!

Susan Miller (http://astrologyzone.com/) does have alot to say this month:

I was thinking about your chart this morning, dear Sagittarius, and saying to myself, "I hope Sagittarius doesn't feel responsible for all the changes that are currently taking place. It's just the way it is. It was time to move on." There is a possibility that you might be spending needless energy second-guessing yourself about whether you took the right course of action. You did.
Endeavors and relationships often have a life of their own, and when they are over, they are over. Try as we may to extend a situation or relationship, once an eclipse proves that its glory days have come and gone, it becomes impossible to extend or go back to reverse a decision. Indeed, once you walk over the bridge to the other side, you will not be able to return to your old life again. When we are a little jittery about the new life we are entering, we are tempted to run back to what we know, but as soon as we make a move to do that, we see that the bridge has disappeared and that won't be possible. You would never want to go back.

The good news is:

One of your most romantic parts of the month will be near the full moon, October 7. You may meet someone new and quite independent, but will find that this person's aloof stance will draw you to him or her all the more powerfully. This person seems to be self-made and could even be several years older than you, and may have a background quite different from yours. Still, despite these differences, the sexy chemistry you share will be obvious to you as well as to those around you.

Hmm...something to think about. I usually don't put too much faith in this crap, but her detailed horoscope last month was so incredibly, scarily spot-on that its got me slightly interested.

Busy day today - and most of this week.

Monday, October 02, 2006

These are the last tears I am gonna cry for you.

So - RS/GP you were there for one good part of the weekend. Friday night at the Duck and watching the bands.

And my marathon session with the therapist on Saturday - wonderful. Who knew that this would be so good for me?

But no one was around for my Saturday night latenight debaucle - including our Gnome friend (he was in the corner of Slim's drinking Jager shots and laughing at me instead of doing his job) and UGH it was so bad.

The Bachelorette Party overall was fun. That part I won't even write about. Nana's, White Collar, Ess. The wine guy from 518 was interesting. But...

Let's just say that guys who act like 16 year old dorks around you is not any kind of a turn on. Especially guys that are usually putting themselves out there as a bad ass, guitar playing, rock star wannabe. You think you are getting Keith Richards and you get Waldo. OMG that part of Saturday night was so bad. So bad. I can't even write about it.

Sunday turned out better. Surprisingly better. Until two particular songs from the Girls played. GP - you know I almost lost it at this point.

Laying there on the blanket with four co-workers, looking at the stars, thinking wow I waited around all day for this part of the concert and they are singing songs none of us know. We digress into the conversation about overhearing snippets of conversation ("I know this but now its too late" and "It was a suicide beaver...") and we decide to form a band called Suicide Beaver just because it sounds so cool and who the fuck cares that we don't have enough talent to play instruments or sing in front of people?! And then this line pulls me out from the fun and slaps me in the face:

Adding up the total of a love thats true
Multiply life by the power of two

I laid there thinking that's what he meant to me. Life, with the two of us together, was going to be better than just me. And it was. But apparently not for him to keep trying. And now here we are.

And there I was on that blanket, and GP you knew I was having trouble. I think everyone else did too. And then the next song was worse:

These are the last tears I'm gonna cry for you
My cryin's through I'm moving on
I don't regret and won't forget
A single thing that we went through
But there are the last tears I'm gonna cry for you
You take things so much easier than I do
And you could live your life without me if you had to
And you believe that in the end it all works out right
And I might if not for you
And if you ask one which one lives just alone for love
I do
There was a time when all signs pointed to the warm south
The planets all lined up and built a new house
And everything we talked about felt like a prophecy
And when you looked at me they all came true
And if you asked which one wants to go the distance
I do
I'm gonna rack my mind one last time until I cannot think
I'm gonna dip into your memory and take a good stiff drink
And when I'm drunk on the last drop of sadness about how we went wrong
I'm gonna play this song
Make some coffee black and strong
Give thanks for healing time
And finally make up my mind

The tears were coming. But instead, you guys all knew I was going to lose it and started telling me jokes about genies in bottles and frogs who give blow jobs and you let me tell my complimentary peanuts joke for the 15 millionth time and we all laughed.

And then "Closer I am to Fine" came on and I was.

Today is not better. But I'm getting closer.