Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Very busy. Sneaking a quick moment thanks to the wireless here on the show floor to update. Some observations:

  • The conference is very IT. By that I mean it is full of geeky men, overweight men, men who are engineers, lots of male dorkiness. I got asked outright 5 times yesterday if I was a booth babe. While flattered initially, as most of the booth babes are early 20's, it did not go over well as the night wore on. And does that line work? I mean, really, does this help them build rapport with women. Gotta love the IT industry.
  • The resort is growing on me. Seems to be full of lizards. I run every morning and I've seen like 30.
  • Florida is teeming with white trash. But the weather is astoundingly good. Life has tradeoffs.
  • Disney really is the land of the too well fed, and the resort is doing nothing to help this. (The plethora of desserts at the little store near my room is frightening. There are these chocolate cupcakes with frosting 3 inches thick.) Some of these people, many of these people need to just stop eating. For months. For many months. And walk faster than 2 miles an hour. And cover up - geez louise I don't want to see one more 160 pound woman all jiggly and cottage cheezy in a string bikini. And you european men, while you may be slimmer, you have no business wearing speedos. Nobody wants to see your junk all hangin about. (I think there may be some truth to that "euro guys are smaller" rumour I've caught wind of several times in the past few years. They might have nice accents but they are often lacking down there.)

Gotta run. Miss you guys. Would be more fun if you were here. MNF at the ESPN bar was a good time last night! ; )

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