Monday, August 27, 2007

Thank god it was Friday

The weekend was non stop, full of highs and lows, and I had no time, no time to write. I'll start with Friday.

Friday night began with texts. My friend J sent me a text while I was still working that said:

Oooh the good looking lifeguard is here at the pool. I'm taking the afternoon off...

Oh I wish I could. I was in work hell at that moment.

Then, I took a quick break when my ex hubby and his mom came by to pick up mini-me. Nothing notable there, but I would rather have been at the pool. While they were here, I got two texts from Fun Girl:

Rally the troops!

Dooood. Is it 8:00 yet?

I headed downtown at 7:30 in one of my best little black dresses. Met J, J, Fun Girl for apps at Nana's. N and T showed up an hour later, as did some of Fun Girl's extended family. Lots of drinks. Gossip. Discussed whack a mole social moron a bit, lots of laughs there. Then the discussion of where to move on to...

Let's do Ess...nope can't do that, so and so might be there. Let's do Mosquito...nope, the ex is definitely there tonite. Glenwood South area? Nope, social moron potential. And too cheesy anyway. That one is definitely out. Slim's outside? Nope, former fella of dreams might be there. Gotta avoid that one for a few weeks. Okay, let's do Alibi. Nope, too emo on Friday nights. Okay...White Collar? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Going once...going twice.

No one had a reason for not going there. So we went.(This is a small town. You can see we have limited choices when you try to avoid exes.)

So we went. And it was, just was. Not great. Nothing happening. We were bored. I think maybe we needed some drama.

We proceeded to JP!, as everyone thought that was the least prickly of situations to be in, and I had an entourage anyways. "C'mon. You're gonna have to go there at some point. Get the first yucky night out of the way."

I asked N to be my wing man all night - take one for the team as Fun Girl was yours last week there- and he said, I won't leave your side unless you want me to.

So we walk in. And yeah, its just like it always is. Yeah, there is Punk Boy with Double Down on that side of the bar. I'm getting some looks from that direction. L comes running up to talk to me...told her I was going to avoid that side of the bar for awhile, need some space. She was like, yeah that's a weird situation, eh? So we order drinks and proceed to go into the room o'pool and plop down on the benches.

And it was fun. Shots being bought. Hanging out with T. Fun Girl is buzzing all over the place in there. Good times. 15 minutes pass. Then Double Down comes over. Beeline straight for me.

You need to come hang out on the other side. Come over with us.

I responded:

Nooo. I'm giving that some space. I'm not mad, just hurt a bit. I don't need to be hanging around Punk Boy when I've been drinking like this.

He was like, why do you feel weird. You ended it, didn't you?

Uh, no. Dude. He didn't want to have sex with me. I surely did with him.

Blah blah blah. He left. The rest of us proceeded to continue playing pool, drinking, flirting. You get the picture. I'm doing fine. I'm having a ball. We're all crowded around each other on that bench near the windows. Then Fall Girl (remember her) brings in Punk Boy - dragging him in.

Everyone sitting around me FLIES off of that bench and runs for the corner, the other pool table, the bathroom. There I am on the bench, alone, with all my friends looking on and Punk Boy sits down. He's clearly intoxicated.

I congratulated him on the letter to the editor to start if off on a good note. And then I was like, you really didn't have to come over here, sorry she dragged you over. He said, no, its no big deal, its a bar we both come to. I said, yeah, look I'm not mad, just giving myself a bit of space. I really liked you, last Saturday night was a bit confusing, just don't want to confuse things any further for myself. But thanks for coming over...blah blah small talk and he leaves.

Yeah, then everyone flies back to the bench, like magnets. And they all look at me and say:

God, that was awkward.

I say nah. I'm okay. Got it out of the way! I've got you guys here.

After some time, the group gets me on the dance floor, which I wasn't ready for but I did anyway. Thank god that N and I can still dance with each other and have fun, even as friends, because it was good to have that with Punk Boy right behind me on the dance floor. Fun Girl said he was standing right behind me, and he was watching. And he was getting himself beers, and he was watching. But honestly, I was in a mode where I just had to concentrate on dancing to operate somewhat with the appearance of sobriety. I couldn't be looking around.

We had a late night at N's house. And I slept, on the floor, with N, in my party dress, like brother and sister btw. We both had a good laugh when we woke up in the morning like that - jesus, how old are we he said.

Another walk of shame, with nothing to be shameful of except how it all appeared, Saturday morning.

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