Tuesday, December 13, 2005

What Happens in Cary Stays in Cary

Hello Wednesday!

Yeah...facing the regrets of a night like that on a Wednesday morning. Tough. Tough. Makes for a long week.

Ivy League had gotten mad. Rightfully so on most things but on others I think he overreacted. All of that aside, I should not have played that game and we should not have gone to the strip club.

We did not go to bed angry that night though. Won't bore you with the details but he is a very very very sweet man. Emphasis on sweet.

I woke up sheepishly the next morning thinking OMG I went to a strip club and played pass the Altoid. In the cold, sobering light of day the previous night's activities seemed very stupid.

This horrible feeling of regret did not last long. The phone texts and instant messages from the game players started before 9am:

Me texting my birthday friend: Dude wake up and get on IM...
Birthday friend: Shit that was nuts last night

Birthday Friend: This was a case of WGOOTRSOTR
Me: Wha???

What goes on on the road stays on the road

Me: So Cary is now the road for us? We were four miles from home...

PTA Male player 1:U there?
Me: Yup
PTA1: Wow you girls are rock stars. This is the most fun I have had on a Tuesday night ever.
PTA1: We must take this show on the road...


PTA Male Player 2: Got mints?
Me: LOL. Glad you can laugh.
PTA 2: Laugh - last night was great. Pass the Altoid should be an olympic sport in 2008.

Funny how reconnecting with the players was cathartic and made everything seem a little better and little funnier. However, I was still filled with regret.

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