Monday, March 06, 2006

I have a bigger set of twins now

The title says it all. I went up a cup!

This bilateral breast augmentation has been a long time in the works. I had a baby several years ago and breastfed for many months, and those two things (pregnancy and breastfeeding) left my girls a bit smaller than they used to be.

Previous significant others were not in favor of the operation, despite always looking at big breasted women as they walked by. ("Honey, do as I say, not as I do!!!")

So, after getting my recent job and paying off some much needed debt, I gave myself the gift of enhanced cleavage. This operation is all about me. And in spite of the pain I am in today (day four post surgery) and being barely able to function at work, I am SO HAPPY with what I have done.

They are still swollen, and they sit extremely high on my chest -they start right below my collarbone - but I know that once they migrate into place they are going to look good. I went for a large C-cup. And being a short girl, this should give me the voluptuous effect I was going after when I paid the doctor thousands of dollars last week. Right now they are easily a full D, and I look ridiculous naked.

In the meantime, before they get to their final state in anywhere from 2-4 weeks, I walk around the house and work feeling like I have two small bowling balls on top of my lungs. They are like steel torpedoes on my chest, and you would think I would love being this well endowed. But they don't move, even as I walk fast, and they aren't quite yet making me feel as sexy as my smaller, un-enhanced breasts did. But I'm ever hopeful, and looking forward to bikini season and going out around St. Patrick Day to see if the new girls make a difference. This will be an interesting social experiment that I'll document here.

No one at work noticed today. Been wearing padded bras for many months now, so hopefully the change won't be so obvious. I also wore a loose shirt. If I wear anything remotely tight, the word will be out. There aren't many women in my building to begin with - this change will just be too much- so I plan on loose clothing for awhile if I can manage it.

Ivy League has been supportive. He claims that it didn't matter to him one way or another, and once we even had a fight about the fact that he didn't like men looking at my breasts in their current small state. Yet, as we covered in the past posts, he is a guy and it is his nature, I've never seen a girl with a great rack not catch his eye.

He's taken care of me over the past week, even through the fights about DC and Atlanta girls, and this included doing things above and beyond typical boyfriend duty. I won't digress here into details, but he's been great in the caregiver department. He's babysat, shopped, did laundry, cooked, cleaned, bathed me, and helped me into the bathroom numerous times.

I'm on my own this week as we spent WAY TOO MUCH time together last week b/c of the operation. I am managing okay - I would say that the most difficult thing is driving. I probably shouldn't be doing that, as it hurts to climb into my car, hurts to put the seatbelt on, and hurts to raise my right arm away from my waist. But my commute is short, so I'll suffer through. Everyday I wake up and think the pain will be less, but the last two days have disappointed me in that department.

And sleeping....ugh. I have to sleep propped up, as if I am in a recliner. I cannot lie flat on my back, or my side, or my stomach. Learning to sleep sitting up has been painful, and last night was the first night I got a good nights sleep in this position - and that was only b/c I was past being tired. I have at least 2 more weeks to go sleeping like this.

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