Monday, November 28, 2005

Close quarters

So I am back from my trip out west with Ivy League over the holiday. I did miss that I was not going to see London for the week but did not miss Yorkshire Hottie. I had plenty going on to keep me occupied.

The week went very, very well.

The hotel was very swank and our room was nice.

But here's the dilemma. Traveling with your new boyfriend -and there's only one bathroom and its small and you are together for 7 days. How do you gracefully take a dump without him knowing?

It's near impossible.

There's the Starbucks option. I left him asleep and walked a block south to get an Egg Nog Latte and used the facillities there.

I also managed to wake up really early one morning and take one when he was still asleep. Phew! That's two days down.

More on this later - need to run to a meeting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too funny - I thought I was the only one that thought about that!