Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The pole did exist

I did indeed go to that party way out in the suburbs (farther out evuhnnnn than I live) just to see if the people really had installed a stripper pole for this late night. We didn't venture out towards the southwest part of town (beyond Cary - egads!) until after 1:30, but it was fun in that we are being obviously ironic sort of way.

They had indeed installed said pole. And only one girl was using it.

This puzzled me. The party was one of those suburban late nights where you have all range of people. RTP corporate workers in their 20s. People who worked in a gym. Real estate developers. Service industry people in their late teens to mid thirties. A former soccer player from UNC (also a mom) who was a bartender. She had me beat as the oldest there (thank god!)

None of the young girls would go near the stipper pole. I don't get it. They all seemed so slutty and made for that pole. But they were pretty timid when it came to doing anything bolder than wearing revealing clothes.

I used it once or twice, and now want one in my own house. (Future house, not current. Need a basement or something for this...)

Random sampling of conversation tidbits that I experienced:

Lamest Opener/Pick Up Line: "So, you are in your thirties..."
Surreal Moment: 17 year old discussing her SAT scores with me as well as her GPA. (I had to walk away.)
Overheard in the kitchen: "I don't know where she is but there's a line of puke across the deck..."

There was lots of alcohol and we stayed til almost 5. Ridiculous. Other than the pole I really didn't need to be at that party. When will the madness end? But like everything else, I made it a good time - as did Ivy League. We laughed all night at the people around us and at ourselves for being there.

So the trip to England to see Yorkshire Hottie is off. And I put off and put off telling him. Finally an email from him regarding hotel reservations forced my hand, and I wimped out and sent him back and email telling him the news. Told him I had met someone locally, that was very special, and it just wouldn't be right to go. Told him I had a fabulous time at the wedding and would never forget him.

He wrote back the next day:
I would be lying if I said I wasn't totally disappointed. Was really looking forward to the week. He is one lucky man...

Lots of Love,

So he ended it like quite the gentleman. Will miss him but man have I got my hands full here.

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