Wednesday, November 30, 2005

He's all that and a bag of chips!

My boss is having me do chart audits. A horrible task, but unfortunately, low patient population presently. So, I have time. UGH! I decide to do my audit in Auburn's unit. A tedious task and some of the questions were obscure and wasn't sure where to find the information. Luckily, Auburn offered to be my knight and shining armor...ahhh! He helped me answer a lot of questions and then the chart had to be used. It was nice sitting next to him for such a long time....He offered to help me finish it the next day. What a guy! Well, today I decided to finish as much as I could by myself and these were easier questions. So, I finished it with asking only a little assistance from him. Later, he stopped me in the hallway and told me that he had been in a meeting and was singing my praises to whomever was in the meeting. LOVED IT! Am I on his mind? I think I'm starting to crack his code....I also found out he does all the laundry, cleaning, cooking, and running his kids all over the place....WOW! I didn't think men like this existed. His wife has it good!! AND she cut her hair short!! STUPID GIRL! Who wants to go to bed with that? I KNOW he doesn't. He's said, she keeps cutting it shorter. I would never. Even when I'm 80. That curly, kinky granny hair will not find it's spot on my head! My husband thought that all old farts had to do it. I said, It's ugly and I'm not doing it. My fear is not getting old, but looking it. I'll fight it to the end!!!

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