Monday, October 17, 2005

Attractive People Get Better Service at Krispy Kreme

Ivy League and I left the piano bar and headed to Krispy Kreme. Alas, they were closed. Hottie managed to speak with the girl inside, and told her we would give her 20 bucks for a dozen.

She agreed, partially because of the money but partially because he is so damn cute and charming.

So we got our donuts. Ate three of them before we left the BP in Mordecai. We also managed to make out a bit while pumping gas. Lovely sight.

Back to his house. A little Sportscenter, a little Skinamax porn. 5 minutes later we are having fun on his couch.

I decide to sleep there rather than leave. I held his hand for awhile as he fell asleep. Bad sign girl. You aren't keeping your distance.

I leave at 7:45. 1 missed call - between 3 am and 7 - who the heck would call then? Good news sleeps til noon. Booty call was in bed with me. That leaves the exes (recent fiance or ex from 10 years ago - and ex from 10 years ago isn't afraid to leave his number at any time.) I know exactly who this is....

I go home. Can't sleep. Big fun but also tough day. Horseback riding with my daughter. 5 hours in the hospital with my friend G and her daughter who is sick with appendicitis. Broke my heart to see her in pain.

Short call with Yorkshire hottie - who somehow forgot I was attending Def Leppard even thought I told him Thursday. He was pissed in the British sense - drunk - when he called me. I am wondering about this....

Two messages from Ivy League:

Tx for the ticket - great time

Smokers cough - feeling sexy today

Yummmm I would drink his bathwater. We IM with each other late in the day. Most memorable message:

I was drunk enough to say those words and sober enough to think them and mean them. I wouldn't trade last night 4 anything.

He says he will be in my building for a meeting on Monday. A meeting he set up, on purpose, to try and see me briefly. Lovely. Something to look forward to...

Later that night I got a invite for drinks from my 10 year ex (Wednesday night at my house - innocuous big deal) and broke the date with sales hottie due to the appendix incident with G's daughter - he was very understanding.

Also a text from my recent fiance ex:

Thinking of you.Hope all is well.

Is it evah!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is soo good that I am not going to respond.


Anonymous said...

For someone that eats a dozen doughnuts after a night of binge drinking, I am sure you are less of a "hottie" and more of a "fattie". Alas, you are certainly entitled to your twisted self-image. Enjoy the Krispy Kremes!

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous" obviously does not have the pleasure of a high metabolism or the knowlege of what benefits working out at the gym can provide. Somteimes it sucks not to be one of the beautiful people....

Anonymous said...
