Monday, October 03, 2005

More on the saga of Yorkshire Hottie

Corporate Diva still writing here...

So the next reply from the boy across the pond was this:

Hi Gorgeous
You say the nicest things. I am jet - lagged, and was very tired until reading your words. I'm like a school boy, wide awake with knots in my stomach.
Seeing you again was all I could think about, since I walked away from you in the hotel corridor whilst forcing myself not to look back.

My god - did he actually use the word whilst? I don't know that I have actually seen that word outside of a Dicken's book. I am, at this point, somewhat frantic about him. I think of him in meetings. I am watching BBC America, just to feel closer to him. Suddenly the football standings and Leeds United in particular is fascinating. I am silly.

So I asked him to listen to Inner Smile by Texas - from the Bend it Like Beckham CD - that it reminded me of him. He totally got it:

Oh by the way,
I listened to the song, bless you.
I think it fits perfectly.

Lovely. Always signs his emails and text messages with a kiss. At about this time in the week there are other things brewing closer to home, and involve an American I will call Ivy League Hottie.

This guy is seemingly perfect. I have known him for less than a year, and he works at the same company I do. I first ran into him during a Vegas business trip we were all on - a boondoggle of sorts that is some work and quite a bit of play and drinking. The night I was big fish at Pure he left Pure early with two, yes, two women. And he was the only guy on the trip that did not give me any attention.

I had lunch with him about a month after that trip - in March around the time of the NCAA Tourney. He was impressive during the lunch. Confident. Cute. I actually had the thought, "I am so engaged to the wrong guy" - this guy sitting across from me is like me but male. I walked away from that lunch with a crush on him but thought there was no way a guy like that would ever be available or that I would be either.

Well, I became available 7 weeks ago, and to make a long story short, he was interested. He asked for my number the week before I went to Vegas. (September was a very good month for me) and called the day I returned.

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