Wednesday, October 19, 2005


This will be a very anti hottie moment entry today.

I fell asleep early last night - around 10:15 - which usually means I wake up around 3;30 b/c I tend to only need five hours of sleep. And I did indeed wake up around that time...

So I am watching tv - Something's Gotta Give for the fifth time - and I hear the garage door open.

No way.


This is not a regular occurence. My garage door does not automatically open on its own at any time of the day, and especially not at 3:30 in the morning.

My ex fiance has my automatic garage door code programmed into his car and I have not yet figured out how to change that - so I know this is his work.

I am scared but not frozen - I do have two dogs in the house this week (am watching my ex husband's dog for him) so I head downstairs as I hear the door opening. I open the kitchen door expecting to see his car, or him and expecting him to also be drunk as it is 3:30 am which was his usual return home time after a night of drinking.

Nothing. There was no one there.

So he did a drive by, opened my garage door, to see if I was home.

This explains Sat night/Sunday morning phone call from the private number - I bet he came by my house on his way home from a big night of drinking (Barrister's Ball was Saturday night) and opened the door and I was not there and so he closed it back and called me.

Whatever it is - this is creepy. I know that I will be fixing that garage door code on Friday or Saturday....


Anonymous said...

Entertaining blog, although a bit contrived. Don't know if I believe all of, but makes for interesting reading.

Anonymous said...

Whatever to the "anonymous" comment. They are either bored, jealous, or just don't get out much. Life can be as original and exciting as you allow it to be. If you're going to stand on the sidelines and observe instead of play, please do so quietly.
Until you get some mojo of your own, don't be so eager to criticize.....

Kitty Collins said...

I don't mind the comments at all!

It might appear to be contrived, but its all true and this is my life over the past 6-8 weeks. It's been nuts - I couldn't make this shit up. Nor will I be able to keep it up either. But I have been particularly open to adventure since becoming single and things have just happened. Really only using this blog to keep my friends up on the latest happenings...if others read it then cool.

Anonymous said...

Wow Virginia - did I touch a nerve?