Thursday, October 27, 2005

No THIS is the best week ever

I have been traveling, and have much to update on. I have not updated in over a week...

So last week I had the psycho garage door incident. Wednesday during the day last week was not terribly eventful. I did see Ivy League Hottie that day when he was in my building for a meeting - walked by my desk three times. Yum.

That night I watched Batman Begins with my ex from 10 years ago. Nice time. Comfortable. We talked about the women in his life, the dates going on in mine. It was a nice night. We kept stopping the movie to go sit on the patio and drink wine and smoke.

Ivy League hottie called twice that night and I did not call him back, mostly because it was so late when the ex left, but also because I just wanted to see if he missed me. I knew I missed him, and felt somewhat stupid and vulnerable for being in that state.

No strange garage door issues on Wednesday night. Phew! I still had not taken the time to learn how to change the code on the door - movies and drinking wine got in the way.

Thursday begins like a normal day. Work. A quick ping from Ivy League:

Him: hello?
Me: Hi!

But then we got disconnected or distracted and the conversation did not go anywhere after that.
Around 11, I am in one of the most important meetings of the week, and he pings me again. Do I answer or do I ignore and pay attention to the meeting? I can do both - so I answer:

Him: Hey there
Me: Hi
Him: How are you?
Me: Fine - sorry I didn't pick up last night. Had friends over to watch a movie...
Him: Oh that's fine. This is going to sound sort of silly but I have really missed talking to you these last few nights.
Me: Not silly. me too (Note: my heart starts to hurt a little, in a really good way, at seeing these words)
Him: yeah?
Me: yeah - big time
Him: Wow that is such a relief to hear/see you say that.

So we chat around on other things some more, and I decide to go out on a limb b/c I feel like he needs to hear this and I want to say it:

me: I miss you
Him: Me too. More than I thought possible at this time.

And that's it for the morning. That afternoon, I find out I need to go over to Ivy League's building to pick up some equipment. I head out the door and get a great phone call from a VP, offering me the job I have been interviewing for, with a good raise and a promotion and its all good. All good.

So who do I run into in the parking lot of his building? Yup - him. Looking incredibly handsome as usual. I don't want to go into the building, I want him to get in my car so we can drive til we are far away or at least in a bed somewhere. I tell him about the job - he's happy. We walk together through the halls, making chit chat about meetings and things we have to do. Its so odd to be businesslike with someone who has seen you naked. I am doing my best to be casual. But then he says:

I want to let my guard down and really talk to you. That and I want to push you up against that wall right there and kiss you.

It was like he read my mind. I walked into that meeting very, very flustered.

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