Monday, July 30, 2007

Got to pay your dues if you want to sing the blues

Name that lyric.

Just kidding.

It's an apt title, but also the first line of one of my favorite all time songs.

So the blues, the blues. They were all around my bed this morning, ready to ambush me as I awoke from a long and much needed catch-up sleep. And they pounced and hit me over the head as I took my first waking breath. Damn them. Bother somebody else. I'm trying to live life here.

I didn't know what day it was. It was hard to get out of bed. I trudged through work. I ate a frickin Ho-Ho for breakfast.

(Tangent alert!!! My sister used to work for this farm that had been turned into a mega-party center for corporations to have their company/employee gatherings and picnics. Pony rides. Dunking booths. Eating areas. They gave away a lot of food to the teenage employees. If the food was one day past expiration, they couldn't serve it. For some unknown reason, Hostess cakes have an expiry date on them even though we all know they'll keep forevah. So she came home one day with two large garbage bags full of Ding-Dongs and Ho-Hos. We ate those things for three days non-stop til Mom told all of us to stop. That included my father, who was partaking of the treats at a ridiculous rate morning, noon, night. That was the last time I had a Ho-Ho for breakfast.)

It is afternoon. I am much better. Work can pull you out of a funk, if only to keep you busy. Toying with the idea of having a pot luck dinner party this week. Finally gave in and sent off these damn questions to one of my not so exciting eHarmony matches. He "nudged" me. That's an eHarmony word, not mine. It meant I was dragging my feet and he wants answers to his questions. We'll see.

So three calls right in a row from the Tool aka he should not be named. Two to my home line - from his office number and his wireless, then an immediate ring to my business line (which btw does not have caller ID on it.) I didn't answer any of them. I was busy on the phone with someone else.

No message. Whatever. I think he must be missing some possession of his that he thinks he left here. Unless it is those stupid ties I have sitting out in my garage...he's out of luck.

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