Sunday, July 29, 2007

He's a tool and so is he...

I'm on my way out of Beaufort-by-the-sea and heading down Hwy 24 to Swansboro for the day for some more boating with a different set of friends from yesterday and different boat...but before I do, I have to tell you an oh so quick tidbit from last night.

I had low expectations for this one, right?

Well, we got picked up, via boat, right outside our place by Southern Gent. And this turns out to be an apropos name. He drops his rs in all the right places, he knows all the right families, he can shag, he went to prep school in VAH-JIN-YAH, etc. (Andohbytheway, I don't mean shag in the Brit way.) He's handsome, the boat is nice, he's confident. He's got great hair. It is not yacht hair, but its close, and its thick and has only a slight bit o'gray. Honestly, this man looks great for 47.

He's packed a cooler for us. Choice of good white, red wine or vodka and mixers. Takes us out to Shackleford Banks to see the horses. The boat is great, the sunset impressive. I'm digging it, man. He's treating us both fabulously. He's charming. Harley girl is impressed as well. I'm thinking, sweet. I wouldn't mind wasting some time with this guy. Could be fun.

I thought that until the moment when, 25 minutes into our boat trip (and our friendship), whilst Harley Girl was in the cabin below taking a quick pee, he decided, right in front of me, to piss off the back of the boat.

Then, 2 minutes after that, he made a bong out of a 7up can and took to taking a few hits.


Lots more to come. So much its gonna take hours to marinate on today. Plus I got a LAME ASS message from he-who-should-not-be-named at around 9pm last night. Message said:

"Out of courtesy, by any chance ru going to a house party in 5pts tonite?"

Out of courtesy, you Tool you, please get the fuck out of my life. I don't give a hairy rats ASS that you are going to a party in Five Points. My world no longer intersects with yours. You hang out in Sears Craftsman Central with all the other striped shirt guys. Drink your red bull, hang out with the girls who like Lifetime movies of the week and own cats.

I thought the message itself was mean spirited under the guise of courtesy, the worst sort of conceit there is. Sums up what I think of him, and my response back to him was silence.

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