Sunday, August 12, 2007

25 things that I heard or saw or did this weekend

  1. I heard Little Red Corvette in the JP on Friday night, after listening to it all week long on my iPod
  2. I got a text from N saying that he and his gf were over, again
  3. I enjoyed, thoroughly, holding hands under the table on Friday night at Havana's
  4. I was surprised by the PDA given by my date - a kiss, in front of everyone, before he went off to get me another drink
  5. I got another text from N, asking to meet him at R Times
  6. I did not meet him
  7. I saw all the lovely irony in my life and fell back in love with me the way my friends were hoping I would
  8. I saw my date pratfall out of the JP and immediately get up and announce: "I meant to do that..."
  9. I ran out on my friends when the ugly lights came on to go make out in my Jeep
  10. I made out for 2 hours while watching Jaws
  11. I did another Cam Village walk of shame away from the condo at 7am
  12. I came home to my babysitter and mini-me playing cards at 7:15 in the morning
  13. I did various forms of nothing for several hours yesterday and was content to do so
  14. I got a text from N asking about going to a movie
  15. I did not go to the movie, but did answer the text with an "I am busy tonite"
  16. I got a call from Punk Rock Boy when he awoke on Sat
  17. I got a text from the attorney ex asking me to get a babysitter and meet him at the Outer Banks
  18. I did not meet him
  19. I got a random text from someone saying "Yo (insert my real name here)! Are you out?"
  20. I texted back and said: "Nope but have a good time!"
  21. I pondered for awhile who this person is that is texting me
  22. I ate some ice cream and not suprisingly, gained 2 pounds
  23. I invited Punk Boy to my house for wine and we talked for 5 hours on my back patio, and we heard songs by Springsteen and the Smiths and Sisters of Mercy and David Sylvian and we talked and talked
  24. I am not left handed but still good as using that hand - wink wink
  25. I got 9 texts from the attorney ex- all went unanswered
  26. I made this list with hours left in the weekend

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