Monday, August 06, 2007

Crap..he's running through my head today

I couldn't come up with a pithy title so I just decided upon honest, unfiltered words.


Punk boy stayed at my house. Woke up to both of us in the same position we fell asleep in, which was him sleeping sort of across my back with his arms around me. Who would have thought he was like that.

(The bad thing about this is that I sweat when I sleep. A lot. It is totally gross. That coupled with the drool thing I have going on makes me OH SO ATTRACTIVE in bed.)

For a minute, I looked over and thought:

Holy Shit! (Insert his real name here) is in my bed!

It was one of those surreal moments - I just couldn't believe it. I would not have predicted this 5 weeks ago.

We had coffee. I took him home. All good.

I then helped Fun Girl move some stuff. That was good times, good times. You know you really like being around your friends when you don't mind helping them move. She's gonna be great - she's already on an upswing that I hope she writes about in here.

I went to the bookstore. And because I was thinking way too much about this guy I have spent some time with, I found myself buying a Bruce Springsteen 3 CD set. And listening to it. Damn him.

Sunday night - cocktail hour at Ad Girl's townhouse. Holy shit - more good times. Seriously good times. So good I think we should perhaps do this weekly??? Thoughts? Anybody up for it?! We talked and ate and drank and drank and drank and complained and blushed and got angry and got a little sad but mostly had fun through all of that. I really really think this needs to be a regular thing.

So next Sunday night - my house? I'll stock up and go to the alphabet store this week.

And damn. He's running through my head still. Damn. Who knew?! I wanted to be all casual about this guys. I can still hear Kelly saying to me - oh he's a two week fling at best. So if that's the case, I want my second week!

He's playing it so cool. I now have to be strong and play it cool too, see what happens. Fun girl thinks this should be easy for me to do.

How refreshing to concentrate on this as opposed to how many days I haven't contacted social moron.

And - I am within 5 pounds of my goal weight. Life is good.

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