Thursday, August 09, 2007

The right guy, on the right team, will help you...

I finished Harry Potter and it was so good.

"That which Voldemort does not value, he takes no trouble to comprehend."

Not the best line in the book. The best line in the book was said by Ron, and it is:

"It's not all about wandwork..."

Well, actually, Ron yes it is. Wandwork is definitely what it is all about. But I digress.

The he who should not be named line I thought was apropos. Someone dated me for 18 months and didn't take the time to comprehend what I was about - things that acquaintances get about me, he did not. Hence, why the quote fits. He didn't value me, and as such, he didn't comprehend either.

I love it when I can put together a really lame relationship tie in to Harry Potter.

So I just got two calls and a message from he who should not be named, saying he was looking for some package. Now, I had a package delivered this morning - samples for the catalog mailing I am working on right now for my company - so nothing remotely to do with him. I don't know what is up, but I called him back. And he said, was a package delivered there this morning. And I said yes. And he said, for me? And I said, no, for me, catalog samples. He was like, huh. Okay. That's it.

And the call ended. WTF. He still hasn't noticed those ties are gone.

On a happier note.

Emailing with punk boy. The comment wasn't the only thing on myspace. (24 hours to go til Friday....not that I'm noticing.) Apparently, he went out last night with that guy we all know, that guy who was in love with Ad Girl back in the day (or was that last week too) and they stayed out til 2. Oh to be a fly on that wall, huh? Bet there was some fun talk.

So he wants to meet for dinner. Apparently he's not leaving this up to chance meetings. I like it. Given all the time daydreaming about him this week, this feels pretty good. I proposed meeting Ad Girl and Uncle Big Bad and he's down with it. So there you go -Ad Girl - you get your present from me for the week. You can watch this in action, watch me try and act all non-chalant when you know I'm being a 14 year old girl inside.

My shout out to Uncle Big Bad - I have been doing some research. We def. need to avoid Brett Favre from GB. And Vick (hello Captain Obvious!) And I think Brady is over-rated now. The stuff with Bridget Moynihan has his brain all fucked up. But I have a good feeling about McNabb, and the new QB for the Skins, so I'll have your QB rankings to you posthaste. SI has some great stuff, so do some research there. And believe it or not, your kicker can make all the difference in the world. This is an important pick for you. The right guy, on the right team, will help you rack up points.

Enough of that.

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