Tuesday, August 21, 2007

This is what's he up to, when he's not chronically masturbating

Is this night at the Roxbury or is that social moron there in the front seat?

Yes, yes it is social moron, as they are clearly driving a Ford Contour.

This is part of my fantasy of what he's doing now. The other part is said fantasy is that he's torturing some poor 28 year old in the same way he did me, but she's laughing at his bald spot, his avid masturbatory activities, and his pear shaped hips both in front and behind his back.

Oh Karma! She is one sick woman.

Shout out to RS2/Hotness- who ends her international assignment this Friday and heads back home posthaste:

I've got Pimms and cigarettes waiting for you, dear, you've been missed!

And to Fun Girl, should she ever read or post to this again, a shout out of the following items:

  • Yes, he's a dick. No getting around it. He's just a dick. Yeah, I said it. Out loud and in writing. There's no going back now.
  • Yes, he and Social Moron attended the same asshole school where they excelled in such classes as:
  1. Naked Male Insecurity 101
  2. Bring Out Your Inner Control Freak
  3. Psychological Abuse on Pretty Girls
  4. Blame You/Don't Blame Me
  5. Becoming the Pussy You Are
  6. Passing the Check/Bill
  7. Isolate Your Girlfriend Before She Realizes You Are A Loser
  8. It's not Herpes, its a Zit! or How to lie about anything!

  • Yes, I do think it might be funny to get his rock star, hillbilly ass beat up in front of his guitar chick woman friends in an alley in Chapel Hill. I believe I know an entire posse of women here who read this blog who would be willing to pay to see that shit. They might pay to participate. He's a long drink a water, but I think all 6 of us could take him. After all, he's also a pussy. And we know how much you like to watch...
  • Yes, we will deny we ever knew either of them should anyone ask. I'm gonna pretend the last 17 months just did not happen, and if people ask what I've been up to, I'll respond: coma

I'm off tonite with one goal and one goal only: Joe Elliot is gonna make eye contact with me. Or at the very least, cleavage contact.

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