Thursday, August 16, 2007

It's Morton salt time

What a day man!

I got a call today, out of the blue, from my writer friend in NYC. The guy I met down in Disney in the fall. (He's since been promoted to Publication Director, but he still writes, so...)

Anyway, he was out in Vegas for a weekend bachelor party, and was sitting at the bar, waiting for his friends, ordering a bourbon, and said after the first sip, he just had to call.

(Remember when he who should not be named wouldn't call me from that bachelor party he was attending??? Yeah...I know.)

So he calls to discuss coming to NYC. Says he can get the hook up for me and my friends at the Waverly Inn (all you US/People mag readers should know that one) or several other places where he has connections. Says he's willing to call in favors to show us a good time. Us, meaning me and my entourage of friends. Not JUST ME. My friends too. What a sweetheart.

I never even slept with him. We just made out and did an awful lot of talking. Oh some dancing too. But I digress.

He sounded great. Happy. He's got an incredible voice. He's angling to get a piece published in NY Magazine. Nice!

I gave him my advice on making the most of the glittering and seedy underbelly that is Vegas, as I've done that trip one too many times, and we left it that he would come back with a call next week that involved stories of what he had seen, done, and heard.

I think, even though he's out of town, he's just made the list...

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